You're an aspiring adventurer who, after a chance encounter, became trapped in the Wizard's Spiral. The only way out is to defeat the Wizard, but you're far too weak to challenge him.

Every time you fall in this strange place, you wake up right back where you started, but you keep everything you learned. How many cycles will it take for you to escape the Wizard's Spiral?

Seven unique zones with unique opponents and bosses, Seven powerful skills that you'll need to develop so you might defeat the Wizard's lieutenants, and the Wizard himself.

Your progress is saved at the end of every cycle, so you can take a break, play other games, and play more of this later.

Source code:
Sound effects are from Pixabay


  • WASD/Arrow keys - Movement
  • Hold Tab or Space or 'I' to see your skills and what they do for you
  • If you get stuck or you just want to start over, hold 'K' to manually end the current cycle
  • Press M to mute sounds

This is an entry to the fifth Bevy Jam


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Had fun :)

Once I understood the premise and started grinding, I had a good time! But I had to quit b/c it was too much grinding for me.

Seems like I had quite a tumble.

The collision boxes for the obstacles seem quite big compared to their visual size, could you reduce them?


I defeated the wizard! This was an absolute blast especially after figuring out if you just tap into the enemy and immediately back away, you can escape getting hit nearly every time.

Thanks for playing!

That's not quite how it works. When you attack something you get hit simultaneously, but the shield skill can proc and completely prevent taking damage.

Ohhhh that makes sense. You just get a ton of shield over time. I thought maybe it was a weird timing thing or something. I enjoyed my time. I could totally see this game concept growing and becoming quite a fun time. Do you plan on working on it after the jam?

No, I don't, to be honest.

I really like how it turned out, but this game was designed entirely for this jam in terms of theme and scope.

If you're interested in a larger game with a (loosely) similar concept, you can try Idle Loops, which is the game that I was playing when the theme of the jam was announced.